The first specialists of the Minskmetroproekt branch at work (from left to right):
Kazadaev A.V., Terekhov A.S., Plotnikov Yu.D., Martsinkevich V.L., Bocharova Z., Mrochek G.A., Romanovsky V.S., Shcherbakov V.N., Chekanov V.V.
The history of MINSKMETROPROEKT OJSC begins in the distant seventies, when by order of the Ministry of Transport Construction of the USSR No. 128 (Moscow) dated May 12, 1977, a branch of the All-Union State Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Design and Research Institute "Metrogiprotrans" - "MINSKMETROPROEKT" .
Plotnikov Yu.D. became the first head of the branch. Under his leadership, a team of highly qualified specialists has been formed from Kiev, Kharkov, Baku, Tashkent and Minsk. The number of employees of the institute at that time was 70 people.
In 1991 "MINSKMETROPROEKT" was transformed into a leased enterprise, and since 2000 into "MINSKMETROPROEKT" OJSC.
Since its inception and up to the present, the main area of activity of "MINSKMETROPROEKT" OJSC is the integrated design of subways, tunnels for various purposes and other underground structures. In the post-Soviet space and in the far abroad, according to our projects, many objects have been implemented in construction.
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